Category: Wellness
10 Signs That You’re Suffering From a DVT
DVTs are downright frightening. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 900,000 Americans may develop a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) each year. Of those, between 60,000 to 100,000 will die from their DVT, or as a result of the DVT dislodging and traveling to the lungs, where…
What You Need to Know About Superbugs
Bacteria is everywhere. It is in us as part of our biological survival mechanisms. Without the good bacteria in our gut, we would probably not have a very efficient digestive system. But there are some bacteria that loom in our future as superbugs, carriers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can spread in our communities, wreaking health…
8 Surprising Celebrity Health Advocates
In November, 1991, Earvin “Magic” Johnson dropped a bombshell announcement on the world which put a new face, and a new perception, on a growing epidemic: the charming, charismatic NBA star was HIV positive. More than two decades later, Johnson has remained in the spotlight, continuing to wow audiences with his professional achievements while serving…
4 Health Hazards That May Be Seen in Your Eyes
Scheduling your routine trip to the eye doctor may spark feelings of annoyance (“I don’t have the time!”), irritation (“My prescription never changes; what’s the point?”) or even ambivalence (“Whoops! I forgot to schedule my appointment, maybe next week.”). But the seemingly menial task of getting your eyes checked so you can refill your contact…
Changing Vision? Here’s What It Could Mean
Glasses and contacts are so prevalent that we don’t look around the grocery store that we don’t give them a second thought. Not needing corrective lenses is more the exception than the rule. In fact, vision problems are not much of a concern because the issue is often identified early and is easy to remedy.…
Stat Shot: The State Of Childhood Obesity
Obesity rates have more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. From 1980 to 2012, we saw an increase in childhood obesity rates from 7 percent to 18 percent. During the same time period, the rates of adolescent obesity increased from 5 percent to 21 percent. These statistics are…
8 Products For Sinus Pain Relief
Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the lining of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. Every year, more than 31 million Americans suffer from headaches, facial pressure and nasal congestion caused by sinus infections. Among the common, uncomfortable symptoms that people with sinusitis suffer: Nasal obstruction or…
Stuffy? 7 Simple Sinusitis Home Remedies
Sinusitis, or sinus infections, is a major health problem. Each year, more than 31 million Americans suffer from the headaches, facial pressure and nasal congestion that are the hallmarks of these infections. More than $1 billion are spent annually on over-the-counter (OTC) medications to treat the symptoms of sinus infections, as well as $150 million…
Is it a Sinus Infection or Something More Serious?
Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, is a term that’s used by patients, medical practitioners and the media to describe an inflammation of the lining of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. While the symptoms of sinusitis are fairly straightforward, making an accurate diagnosis is more complicated than many may realize, and other diseases may mimic…
6 Ways to Speed Flu Recovery
Did you know that you spend more time each year nursing sore throats, fevers and runny noses than you do on vacation? On average, adults get about three colds a year, each lasting one to two weeks. Up to 20 percent of us will get the flu, which can last even longer — up to…