Think Healthier: because you need to!

  • 6 Surprising Foods That Actually Expire

    6 Surprising Foods That Actually Expire

    When it comes to expiration dates, the obvious comes to mind — milk, meat, eggs and anything else that could become disturbingly rancid. But what about all of those other foods that we wouldn’t normally think of? Many foods seem so safe that we don’t think to look at expiration dates. And other foods do…

  • 6 Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

    6 Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

    As children, we’re constantly reminded of the many habits that can damage teeth. Fast forward to adulthood, and we often forget about this important concept altogether. The truth is that simple habits that seem harmless can wreak havoc on teeth. The result can be tooth fractures, oral cancer and tooth decay. No one wants that!…

  • 4 Ways to Protect Your Hearing

    4 Ways to Protect Your Hearing

    Most of us think about our eyes when it comes to glare. However, we forget about our ears when it comes to noise and other habits that can damage hearing. In a world filled with excess noise and other hearing risks, the ears are paying the price. The result is a collective damage to hearing…

  • What You Should Know Before Hiring an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner

    What You Should Know Before Hiring an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner

    Two Denver parents found out the hard way that some doctors are not really all that they appear to be. Desperate to find help for their teenage son, who was dying of cancer, David and Laura Flanagan turned to Dr. Brian O’Connell. He assured them that he could cure their 18-year-old son, Sean, of late-stage…

  • Should You Try a Colonic?

    Should You Try a Colonic?

    Colonic hydrotherapy is a method of using water to irrigate the colon and allegedly flush out impurities. The practice dates back centuries but first became popular in the United States in the 1920s. Flushing the large intestine is generally viewed dubiously among medical professionals. They believe the health benefits are largely overstated or false, and…

  • Buyer Beware: 6 Signs of a Bad Chiro

    Buyer Beware: 6 Signs of a Bad Chiro

    Chiropractic manipulation of the spine was once considered part of medicine’s fringe, a “bastardized form” of osteopathic medicine. But evidence of its benefits has helped the technique become more of a part of mainstream medicine, and its practitioners are licensed to perform duties. The actual word chiropractic dates to the Greek words for hand (cheir)…

  • Second Opinions: Are They Worth It?

    Second Opinions: Are They Worth It?

    It’s the moment of truth for many patients. The doctor has finished with his diagnosis and recommends aggressive treatments. The options are few and sound scary. That’s when it’s time for a second opinion. But broaching the subject before signing up for the recommended treatments is intimidating for many. It requires standing up and asking…

  • Run But You Can’t Hide: Highly Contagious School Sicknesses

    Run But You Can’t Hide: Highly Contagious School Sicknesses

    When attending school, kids bring pencils, book bags and lunch. But some also bring along a disease and quickly pass it along to their peers. Because of the close contact necessitated by instruction, schools are akin to Petri dishes of various conditions. Colds, lice, strep throat, pink eye and a host of contagious conditions quickly…

  • Effective Ways to Treat Gas

    Effective Ways to Treat Gas

    Despite being one of comedy’s longest-running foils, gas is no laughing matter. It can be a social impediment, a barrier to employment growth and generally interferes with relationships. Whether caused by food, drink, stress or bad habits like sucking in air, gas can be painful, embarrassing or distracting. It’s an unwelcome condition that usually arrives…

  • Could It Be A Fissure? What You Need to Know

    Could It Be A Fissure? What You Need to Know

    A small tear in the tissue that lines the anus is called an anal fissure. This thin tissue most commonly ruptures from the pressure of large stools passing through during a bowel movement and leads to bleeding and pain with subsequent bowel movements. Fissures are a common condition, comprising roughly 5 percent to 15 percent…

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