Category: Wellness

  • Six Common Causes of Anaphylactic Shock

    Six Common Causes of Anaphylactic Shock

    Imagine this. It’s a seemingly normal bee sting. Ouch! That is until your throat starts swelling and you just can’t breathe. In fact, you feel like you’re going to pass out. You’re quickly rushed to the hospital where you learn two shocking details. You are deathly allergic to bees, and you could have gone into…

  • Reusable Grocery Bags: How to Stay Sanitary & Safe

    Reusable Grocery Bags: How to Stay Sanitary & Safe

    You’ve seen them in line at the grocery store. They are the people with the smug looks, the hand-sewn clothing, and their own grocery bags. Oh, no, they say. No bags for me. I brought my own. Their air of virtue is almost too much to endure. Perhaps you’ve envied them for their thrifty and…

  • Ants, Bees and Ticks, Oh, My! Treatments for Insect Injuries

    Ants, Bees and Ticks, Oh, My! Treatments for Insect Injuries

    There are more insects on the planet than any other type of species – more than humans, more than fish, more than primates. There are about 900,000 known types of insects, which represent about 80 percent of all known species. Nobody can reasonably know how many insects in total those 900,000 types actually represent. The…

  • What You Need to Know About Cupping

    What You Need to Know About Cupping

    Cupping is an alternative medicine therapy that uses glass, earthenware or bamboo cups affixed to the skin to achieve healing. The idea is to draw out the cause of various ailments using suction. Such celebrities as Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow have been public advocates for cupping’s benefits. The practice is ancient. Cupping is believed…

  • Sore Throat Causes and Remedies

    Sore Throat Causes and Remedies

    We all know the symptoms: that itchy, tingling sensation that’s often accompanied by a raw feeling and painful swallowing. What is causing that sore throat will determine how you can best treat your symptoms, and knowing when to see a doctor may help you identify and correct a more serious condition. What Causes Sore Throats?…

  • 5 Stroke Risks You Can’t Prevent

    5 Stroke Risks You Can’t Prevent

    If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in health and fitness. Do you work out regularly, doing aerobics and weight resistance? Well, what if it were revealed that you had a stroke risk running through your veins and that no amount of exercise will change those odds? Frustrating, yes? Can’t be true,…

  • 5 Ways To Prepare For Surgery

    5 Ways To Prepare For Surgery

    More than 51.4 million surgical procedures are performed in the United States each year. Surgeries, whether routine or complex, can be frightening experiences for patients. Thankfully, most surgeries are elective, or scheduled far enough in advance to give the patient enough time to prepare for the procedure. Technology has continued to offer patients less and…

  • The 5 Most Effective Allergy Treatments

    The 5 Most Effective Allergy Treatments

    As seasons change, more than 35 million Americans dread the onset of familiar, uncomfortable symptoms, including runny, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sore throats. For allergy sufferers, these dreaded seasonal changes mean battling high pollen levels and other environmental factors that trigger dreaded attacks. For others, these symptoms aren’t tied to seasons, but instead to…

  • Are You Living with Undiagnosed Adult-Onset ADHD?

    Are You Living with Undiagnosed Adult-Onset ADHD?

    Look around at your desk. What does it say about you? Is everything in its place or are there piles — neat or not — everywhere that require your attention? Do you have trouble focusing on one task at a time or completing projects? If your desk is a mess, your day always feels like…

  • 7 Ways to Prevent and Treat Corns and Calluses

    7 Ways to Prevent and Treat Corns and Calluses

    Corns and calluses are not one in the same. But they do have two things in common: pressure and friction. Your feet are made to take a beating – the skin on the soles of your feet is 40 times thicker than anywhere else on your body. However, constant friction and stress can eventually lead…