Category: Wellness
Are LED Lights Damaging Your Eyes?
More and more, we live in a world where information is transmitted through mobile phones, computer screens, tablets, hand-held devices and other sources of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lighting. This new technology has substituted incandescent lighting for LED, mainly because LED lighting is more efficient and lasts longer. To achieve the white light necessary to…
10 Things You Need to Know Before Having Joint Replacement Surgery
Author James Baldwin once noted that the future is like heaven – everyone exalts it, but no one wants to go there now. The same can be said about joint replacement surgery. Although there is a lot of positive feedback from people who have had the surgery and claim it has changed their lives for…
4 Ways to Prevent Lice
Parents with kids in school dread that almost inevitable letter that will arrive at some point. It’s a notification that one or more students in the school have become infected with head lice. The immediate reaction from someone who has no experience with lice is panic. They will want to know whether their child is…
Lice Infestation: How To Treat
Do you know how to treat a lice infestation? Unless you’ve been through the process, chances are that you don’t know whether you need a flamethrower or a pair of tweezers. It’s almost certain if you have a child in school that you’ll receive a letter at some point in their academic career concerning lice.…
Optic Nerve Nutrition: What You Need To Know
It’s easy to eat with cardiac benefits and weight loss in mind. But what about eating for eye health? Evidence shows that there is a direct link between nutrition and eye health. That’s probably no surprise. But did you know that some so-called beneficial foods just might not be? Experts now say that some common…
Animals & Allergies: How to Enjoy a Four-Legged Friend
There was a note circulating on the advertising forum Craigslist recently concerning a problematic pet. The ad read: “My girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. So I have to rehome her. She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained.…
7 Habits Making Your Circulation Worse
The cartoon “Dilbert” depicts a world beset by cubicles, bothersome bosses, and paperwork piled to the ceiling. It’s a world that many working Americans face, one filled with deadlines, stress and bad habits fostered by long work hours. Many feel that the stress is the biggest killer. But here’s the thing – sitting at the…
Alcohol Vs. Peroxide: Which Should You Use?
Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol have much in common. From wound treatments to disinfectants, people seem to think the products are interchangeable. Not true. In fact, they are chemically different and possess different properties. And here’s the real shocker: Many medical professionals believe that using either to clean an injury area is actually a bad…
5 Drivers to Dodge
An old television commercial on road safety reminded us to “watch out for the other guy.” That’s because most accidents happen when the “other guy” does something unexpected or stupid, causing you to react at speeds that may not afford much time to initiate an escape. This is particularly true in our multi-tasking world filled…
Four Ways to Dodge Static Electric Shock
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, reports that more than 5,000 workers died from contact with electrical energy in the 12-year period between 1980 and 1992. Static electricity wasn’t the cause of the deaths. But that’s not to say that this…