Five Health Benefits of Coloring as an Adult — and How to Start

Have you taken to coloring for fun? If so, you’re definitely not alone.

Coloring used to be an activity meant just for kids. But these days, adult coloring books are all the rage. In fact, adults around the world can be found coloring everything from simple pictures to elaborate and highly artistic designs.

The health benefits of adult coloring are vast. From relaxation to improved brain function, coloring is sure to yield positive results.

Here are five great health benefits of coloring for adults — and just how to start coloring today.

1.    Art is healing.

When you color, you create your own work of art. It can even become your own form of art therapy.

Art has been shown to have healing qualities. According to Medical Daily, this concept has been known for many years. This is why art therapy is often used in clinical settings. It’s used by those in the mental health field and even used with patients who have cancer.

Research backs this concept up. According to Medical Daily, one study concluded that mindfulness art therapy was beneficial for women with cancer. Researchers found that this type of therapy decreased both physical and emotional stress during treatment. And another study found that an hour of art therapy in cancer patients was associated with both comfort and a desire to participate in more art therapy.

“People with cancer very often feel like their body has been taken over by the cancer. They feel overwhelmed,” Joke Bradt, a music therapist at Drexel University says. “To be able to engage in a creative process that stands in a very stark contrast to sort of passively submitting oneself to cancer treatments.”

2.    Coloring is relaxing.

Another benefit of adult coloring is that it can be relaxing.

First, coloring directs attention from ourselves. That’s because when we’re coloring, we’re focused on just that. We’re thinking about what’s in front of us, as opposed to troubles that may be present in our lives. “In this way, it’s very much like a meditative exercise,” Bea tells the Cleveland Clinic.

Coloring is also said to relax the brain. “We are not disturbed by our own thoughts and appraisals,” Bea says. “The difficulties of life evaporate from our awareness and both our bodies and our brains may find this rewarding.”

Adult coloring can be pleasurable. It’s a stress-free activity that calms us down. “It is hard to screw up coloring, and, even if you do, there is no real consequence,” Bea says. “As a result, adult coloring can be a wonderful lark, rather than an arduous test of our capacities.”

3.    Adult coloring is a great way to be creative.  

Adult coloring can be an excellent way to way to hone in on creative abilities. When you’re coloring, you’re creating your own work of art.

According to CNN, “The link between creativity and better mental and physical health is well established by research. Creating helps make people happier, less anxious, more resilient and better equipped to problem-solve in the face of hardship.”

4.    Coloring at any age is good for the brain.

Coloring may even be good for the brain. According to the Huffington Post, coloring uses the areas of the brain linked to enhanced focus and concentration. It is even said to improve problem solving and organizational skills. Plus, it is said to create a balance in that it causes you to use both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

This is because you want pictures to look nice, but you also must contemplate colors, shapes and details associated with what you are creating.

5.    It helps you to be more mindful.

Mindfulness is the act of engaging in the present moment. Not only can it help you to relax, but it’s also good for your health. In fact, studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress and even strengthen the immune system.

Mindfulness is simply keeping one’s attention focused on the present moment,” says Dr. William R. Marchand, a psychiatrist, author and mindfulness teacher. “The concept of mindfulness is really quite simple. It’s the now.”

Mindfulness and coloring go hand in hand. All you have to do is focus on the act of coloring itself. By doing this, you’re naturally being mindful.

So now we get to the fun part — how to take up coloring as an adult. If you decide to take up coloring, there are several things to keep in mind. The first is to go easy on yourself. In other words, don’t try to make your coloring project perfect. This defeats the purpose of using coloring as a calming activity.

Don’t limit yourself to coloring in the traditional sense. You may want to consider using colored pencils to spice up your work. Colored pencils have become extremely popular and can help you to create a piece worthy of framing.

And if you’re looking for an old time name to go with your new hobby, look to Crayola. Crayola has a pretty cool adult coloring collection called Color Escapes. These kits come complete with pictures and tools for coloring. But don’t think you’re getting the crayon collection you broke and lost as a kid. You’ll get high-quality markers and colored pencils. You can even stick to the traditional Crayola crayons if your goal is to feel a little more childlike.  

Finally, don’t think that you have to spend a lot of money to start coloring. Yes, you can find some pretty nifty coloring books and collections in a lot of places. However, you can also find a lot of free pieces to color with a basic internet search. A great place to start is Coloring Pages For Adults. Check out the links listed on Easy Peasy and Fun. All you have to do is print, then color away.






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