5 Ways to Combat the Dreaded Double Chin

You think it’s going to be the perfect selfie. That is until you turn your phone around to see something you definitely didn’t expect – that dastardly double chin.

Let’s face it: nobody wants to see double, especially in the face area. The most obvious cause of a double chin would be excess weight. However, loose skin that occurs with age can also cause a double chin-like appearance.

So just what can you to combat a dreaded double chin? Check out these five effective options.

1.    Weight Loss

There’s a reason weight loss is first on our list. Weight loss can help to alleviate a double chin — and improve your health too.

Let’s start with a little motivation. Did you know that losing just five to 10 percent of your weight can have enormous health benefits?  That’s one heck of a weight loss motivator.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, achieving this goal can both increase “good” cholesterol and decrease “bad” cholesterol.  In addition, weight loss can decrease blood pressure.  Plus it can help to prevent against both diabetes and prediabetes.

And of course you’ll see physical effects, like a diminishing double chin. So go ahead, lose a few pounds. Your selfies will be better than ever.

2.    Kybella

In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a treatment called Kybella, which is meant to treat moderate to severe fat below the chin. According to a statement released by the FDA, the treatment mirrors the body’s natural deoxycholic acid, which aids the body in the absorption of fat. Kybella is injected into tissue. Once injected, it destroys fat cells.  

That said, Kybella shouldn’t be used by just anyone. In other words, do your research before choosing this option.

“Treatment with Kybella should only be provided by a licensed health care professional, and patients should fully understand the risks associated with use of the drug before considering treatment,” says Amy G. Egan, M.D., M.P.H., deputy director of the Office of Drug Evaluation in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in the statement. “It is important to remember that Kybella is only approved for the treatment of fat occurring below the chin, and it is not known if Kybella is safe or effective for treatment outside of this area.”

3.    CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting was originally approved for eliminating body fat on areas like the stomach and thighs. But the FDA has now approved this procedure for use on a double chin.

According to Glamour, this treatment is done using something called CoolMini. This is an attachment used with CoolScuplting. (Side Note: Cool Scupting is a method that reduces fat by way of freezing and destroying fat cells.)

Glamour says that one CoolMiniOne treatment takes about an hour and may have the ability to freeze a third of chin fat. Experts say that the good thing about CoolMiniOne is that it doesn’t involve needles or “downtime.”   However, this treatment is said to be most beneficial in women with chin issues associated with aging and a loss of elasticity.

4.    Exercises

Exercises have long been used to combat chin issues. In other words, your grandmother probably performed them.

According to Fit Day, there are four exercises that can be done to combat a double chin. The first of these is called “The Chin Lift.” To practice this exercise, stand or sit upright and look up. Next, make a kissing face with your lips. Focus on this motion alone as opposed to using other muscles. Set a goal of performing five to 10 repetitions.

The second exercise is called “The Neck Roll.” This is meant to both tone and stretch muscles that affect the chin. To practice this exercise, stand or sit up straight with good posture. Next, inhale and turn your head to the side. Stop when your chin reaches your shoulder. Next, exhale and move your head downward toward your chest. Now repeat on the other side. This exercise should be performed five to 10 times.  

The third exercise is called “The Jaw Release.” As with the previous exercises, sit or stand with good posture. Now breathe in through your nose. On the exhale, hum with your mouth closed. At the same time, pretend that you are chewing something. After the exhale, open wide and breathe in and out with a spoken “aaah” while allowing your tongue to rest against your bottom teeth. This exercise should also be performed five to 10 times.  

The fourth option is called the “Platysma Exercise.” Begin as you did in the first three exercises with an erect spine. Now open your mouth while keeping your lips pressed against your teeth. In addition, making a frowning face so that your neck muscles activate. Move your jaw up and down. Repeat between five and 10 times.

5.    Neck Lift

It’s no secret that our skin begins to sag with age. As a result, the neck can develop a turkey-like appearance. While a neck lift to combat this effect is extreme, it’s still an option. This is why we’re including it.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a neck lift is called a lower rhytidectomy. This is meant to combat the visible signs of aging, like jowls and excess fatty deposits that occur under the skin. It also tightens loose skin in the neck area.  

The ASPS says that this procedure is an option for those who are unsatisfied with the appearance of the lower portion of the face. Consequently, these people may not seek a full facelift. 

Obviously a neck lift is not an inexpensive choice. The ASPS says that the average price of this procedure is about $4,389. That said, this is just an average. The cost varies depending on where you live, which doctor you choose, and exactly what you have done.

In addition, there are circumstances that can make you a better candidate for a neck lift than others. The ideal candidate will be a healthy non-smoker with no medical conditions that would complicate the healing process. In addition, this person would have a realistic view of the outcome of surgery in general.    

While there are options available, most people will likely opt to just live with it. As for some unsolicited beauty advice, we say “keep your chin up!” It could make all the difference in the world.






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