Think Healthier: because you need to!

  • 8 Signs You May Have an Ulcer

    8 Signs You May Have an Ulcer

    Elvis sang about “Burning Love” in a song. He was probably not talking about an ulcer, but he might as well have been. The symptoms are typically described as a burning sensation, and it’s not very pleasant. The cause of the sensation could be what’s known as a peptic ulcer. Sometimes described as a hole…

  • What Frequent Constipation May Signal

    What Frequent Constipation May Signal

    When you gotta go, you gotta go. And when you don’t have to go, that’s a problem in and of itself. Constipation is something that everyone suffers at some point. Most of the time, it’s caused by a problem with your diet, including too much dairy and not enough fiber. But the condition may be…

  • Six Ailments Acupuncture Relieves

    Six Ailments Acupuncture Relieves

    Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine whose origins date back thousands of years. Although at one time it was considered to be a pseudo-science by western medical professionals, the U.S. National Institutes of Health finally conceded, after much evidence was presented, that the procedures worked and had some documented benefits. Acupuncture treatments are now widely…

  • 5 Natural Ways to Prevent Cataracts

    5 Natural Ways to Prevent Cataracts

    As we age, we think of the obvious wear and tear: sweating our way through menopause (and the decade before), wrinkles we hate, and those stubborn 10 pounds that just won’t disappear so we can slip on those smaller-sized skinny jeans. Sure, these are important in a female sort of way. But what about potentially…

  • 5 Things That Make an Ulcer Worse

    5 Things That Make an Ulcer Worse

    It’s been called a hole in the stomach, but an ulcer can become a break in the lining of the esophagus or duodenum. Whatever you wish to call it, an ulcer (referred to technically as a peptic ulcer) is no fun at all. It usually starts with a burning pain which can last for hours,…

  • In Pain? When Walking Is No Walk in the Park

    In Pain? When Walking Is No Walk in the Park

    For most of us, walking is the safest form of low-impact exercise we can add to our daily routines. It’s such an innocent, basic activity, that most of us don’t consider the potential risks associated with motions that are entrenched in our daily routines. It seems innocuous enough putting your best foot forward. However, nearly…

  • 10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog

    10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog

    It’s no secret that we seek answers to life’s tough questions. Why wouldn’t we? Curiosity is part of what being human is all about.  To answer these questions, we endlessly scour self-help books. We try to improve our lives through affirmations, yoga retreats, and even inspiration-based apps. But what about looking for relief from what’s…

  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Health Care

    5 Ways to Save Money on Health Care

    There are myriad complexities in health care, and plans don’t make it easy to understand their rules. But if you think you are just a passive player like a cork on a health-care ocean, think again. There are things you can do to lower your health care costs. Talk to Your Doctor If you are…

  • How Smoking Affects the Brain

    How Smoking Affects the Brain

    Thank you for not smoking. That’s pretty much the axiom that all medical professionals live by, and the efforts to discourage smoking are part of every high school’s curriculum and government health initiative. Lighting up a tobacco product, once a sign of sophistication and sex appeal, has been submerged in public life to the relentless…

  • When Should You Worry About a Bloody Nose?

    When Should You Worry About a Bloody Nose?

    For many Americans, a bloody nose is a rite of passage. Whether acquired in a bicycle crash, schoolyard brawl or just from taking an imprudent risk, bloody noses have been around since humans have been spawning. But some nosebleeds (technical name – epistaxis) may be signs of something more serious than a momentary lapse of…

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