Think Healthier: because you need to!
Jeans or Genes? Causes and Cures for Cellulite
It’s lumpy. It’s bumpy. And we hate it. Americans spend copious amounts of money trying to prevent and cure one common bodily enemy. That enemy is the lumpy, bumpy sight known as cellulite. According to the Mayo Clinic, cellulite is the uneven bumps that we see on the thighs, behind, hips and stomach, and it’s…
6 Habits That Make Knee Problems Worse
Knee pain — it’s something none of us likes to deal with. But with age, it becomes a reality that many people face on a daily basis. According to the Huffington Post, a study from Gallup-Healthways found that 26 percent of American adults suffer from a leg or knee condition. One-third of those in their…
7 Great Ways to Improve Hand-Eye Coordination
Improving hand-eye coordination skills is something we think about when it comes to kids. But hand-eye coordination is important for adults, too. It’s needed for everything from driving to picking up objects. Unfortunately, hand-eye coordination can decline with age. “Aging is associated with a loss of motor control,” Dr. Wojtek J. Chodzko-Zajko, an expert on…
7 Best Bacon Substitutes
Bacon it’s an all-time American great. But sometimes we just need a change. Some people avoid bacon due to its high fat content. While one slice of bacon has approximately three grams of fat, this can add up. Eat four slices, and you’ve consumed more than 13 grams of fat. And much of that is…
6 Supplements That Support Joint Pain
Did you know that 30 percent of adults report pain, swelling or aching of the joints? Joint pain is common, and it can make living life on a daily basis difficult. After all, we use our joints to function in just about every capacity when it comes to movement, and we need them to bear…
5 Stretches and Exercises to Help Joint Pain
Do your joints hurt? Joint pain is a common condition. In fact, 30 percent of adults report pain, swelling or aching of the joints. This can make living an active life difficult. That said, there are steps you can take to deal with joint pain. This begins with finding out exactly what’s causing the pain…
Five Health Benefits of Coloring as an Adult — and How to Start
Have you taken to coloring for fun? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Coloring used to be an activity meant just for kids. But these days, adult coloring books are all the rage. In fact, adults around the world can be found coloring everything from simple pictures to elaborate and highly artistic designs. The health…
Got Body Odor? What it Might Say about Your Health
Let’s face it. We’ve all been around someone who smells funky, and being exposed to this stench is anything but fun. This is the nasty reality of body odor. It stinks. As a result, we spend our lives trying to prevent it. We buy deodorants, perfumes and even use baby powder in an attempt to…
10 Stress Facts You Need to Know
Stress — it seems like an unavoidable, everyday occurrence. However, some experts say that it’s actually killing us. According to The American Institute of Stress (AIS), 10 percent of all strokes are related to work-related stress. The AIS says that stress causes 60 percent of all illness and disease. And three-fourths of all doctor’s visits…
10 Migraine Facts You Need to Know
Do you suffer from migraines? Migraine headaches are no fun. Not only are they painful, but they also can disrupt a daily routine. In fact, migraine is considered to be a chronic illness, meaning it is ongoing. Some people have a higher risk of experiencing migraines than others. This is particularly true if there is…
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