Category: Wellness

  • Doctors, Urgent Care or ER?

    Doctors, Urgent Care or ER?

    Everyone has experienced a moment when you have to decide if you’re facing a medical emergency. Perhaps a child has fallen from a high place and is wailing in pain; maybe someone is sporting an unnaturally high fever; or there’s been an accident, and there’s blood everywhere. That’s the time you have to make a…

  • Health Insurance Horrors: The Pitfalls of a Lapse

    Health Insurance Horrors: The Pitfalls of a Lapse

    It’s everyone’s worst nightmare. You’re in a bad accident and are whisked to the hospital for emergency treatment. The health team at your local facility does an excellent job of repairing the damage. Soon, you’re back home recuperating. But there’s an additional shock to the system yet to come – that happens when you receive…

  • 6 Ways To Prevent Heatstroke

    6 Ways To Prevent Heatstroke

    Summer is upon us. And when the temperatures climb, so do heat­related illnesses. Maybe you’ve felt the burn from way too many hours of frolicking in the sun. But if you’re not taking preventive measures to guard your body against heat damage, you run the risk of falling dangerously ill. Heatstroke, sometimes referred to as…

  • 4 Drinks to Keep You Hydrated

    4 Drinks to Keep You Hydrated

    It’s summer, that time of the year when people cast off the heavy clothes and indoor activities of the fall, spring, and winter, and partake of the glories of the great outdoors. Whether it’s swimming, hiking, sailing, cycling or some other active sport, you’ll probably be out in the sun far more often than you…

  • 3 Medical Tests You May Not Need

    3 Medical Tests You May Not Need

    Here’s an old joke: a man dies and is ushered into heaven by an angel. As he’s being led through his new home in the clouds, he spies a bearded man in a long white coat wearing a stethoscope. “Who’s that?” the man asks the angel. “Oh, him,” replies the angel. “That’s God. He thinks…

  • First-Aid Fixes for Summer Maladies

    First-Aid Fixes for Summer Maladies

    Summer, summer, summertime time to sit back and unwind, as the Will Smith song says. Finally, the whole family can get outside to work in the yard, be active or just lounge around. Whether you enjoy swimming, hiking, boating, bicycling, camping, picnicking or simply relaxing, summer activities also bring unique hazards. While most accidents happen…

  • Hot, Hot, Hot: Are You Risking Heatstroke?

    Hot, Hot, Hot: Are You Risking Heatstroke?

    Whether at the beach or in the garden, warm weather seems the ideal climate for spending time outdoors. But too much “sun” can pose a serious health risk. It doesn’t matter if time outside is for work or leisure: you may be at risk of a serious heatstroke. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric…

  • 5 Ways to Stay Healthy at the Doctor’s Office

    5 Ways to Stay Healthy at the Doctor’s Office

    A doctor’s office is teeming with life. But it’s not just the patients sitting in the waiting room. There are bacteria and microbes floating from one sick person to the next. So how to do you stay healthy at the doctor’s office during your next visit? Here are five ways to avoid leaving the doctor’s…

  • What to Consider When Choosing a Healthcare Plan

    What to Consider When Choosing a Healthcare Plan

    Life happens. At some point, we all get ill, or some unforeseen accident takes place. But what doesn’t make matters any simpler for us is the huge debate about health care coverage and costs. We know we need to be covered for all those health mishaps that may come our way, as well as for…

  • What Your Teeth Say About Your Health

    What Your Teeth Say About Your Health

    Read our lips: your mouth may be the source of all you have to say to the world, but it also speaks volumes about your own health. Tooth and gum disease can both lead to, and be caused by, other conditions throughout the body. Here are some surprising revelations that your tooth and gum health…