Category: Wellness
5 Dangerous Habits that Can Cause Clots
When it comes to blood clots, they don’t discriminate. As much as we’d like to believe the scary condition affects only the elderly, that’s not the case. Blood clots can happen to anyone at any age. Even young women can be affected by deadly clots. In some instances, a blood clot can break off and…
16 Ways Pets Improve Your Health
“Pets are completely non-judgmental, don’t have an agenda, take you at face value, and they don’t care what you look like or how you behave they love unconditionally, and that boosts self-esteem,” says Rebecca A. Johnson, PhD. “Confidence can be improved by the fact that dogs love you no matter what, and to the same…
4 Most Expensive Diseases to Fight
When we think of the cost of health care, we usually think of the expense after someone enters the hospital and receives medical care. But how does prevention work for the most prevalent diseases affecting Americans? Early Prevention Programs One study demonstrated that the U.S. could save about $16 billion within five years because of…
At-Home Care for Sprains
A slip in the shower a hop off a ladder One wrong move, and suddenly you’re out of commission. While the injury isn’t necessarily cast-worthy, a sprain can be painful, and the healing process can be painstaking. The good news is that you can make the most of your recuperation time by following a few…
10 Signs of a Blood Clot
Up to 600,000 people in the United States will develop a blood clot this year, and about 100,000 people will die from their blood clots, according to the National Blood Clot Alliance. Recent scientific modeling suggests that this number may be as high as 900,000 people. If it’s not staggering enough that 274 people die…
5 Things You Can Do to Avoid a Blood Clot
Blood clots are serious, potentially life-threatening conditions that affect up to 600,000 Americans each year, claiming about 100,000 lives annually. While in some cases, blood clots occur unexpectedly and without symptoms, many clots can be avoided or treated quickly enough to avoid permanent damage. There are certain lifestyle choices that we can make to minimize…
7 Scary Factors That Increase Blood Clot Risk
Blood clots can spell instant disaster or even death for those who are caught unprepared. But for healthy people, blood clots aren’t a concern, right? Wrong. Every day, 247 people die from unexpected blood clots, and hundreds more are treated for these sinister disorders. Many people are caught completely unaware – they either don’t recognize…
6 Weird Nail Diseases
The next time you bite, trim, paint or polish your nails, keep this in mind: your finger and toenails are actually indicative of your overall health. It’s true. The outward appearance of the nails merely scratches the surface. Nails that are thin or break easily can indicate a shortage of protein in your diet. If…
5 Signs You May Be Dying
An estimated 65.7 million adult Americans provide care for someone who is ill, disabled or aged. That accounts for nearly 30 percent of the population. Of those, more than 34 million are unpaid caregivers who provide care for adults who are ill or disabled, according to AARP – and these people make up more than…
How to Avoid a Clot When Traveling
Every year, 300 million people take long distance flights that are four hours or longer. Each one of these passengers may be at an increased risk for developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a potentially deadly condition where a clot forms in one of the veins in the extremities. These clots are typically found in…