Category: Wellness

  • Beach Day, Stat! 8 Signs You May Be Vitamin D Deficient

    Beach Day, Stat! 8 Signs You May Be Vitamin D Deficient

    Stopping to smell the roses and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face isn’t just good for your stress level — it’s necessary for your health. While many Americans feel that they are getting their necessary levels of vitamin D by consuming vitamin-D-fortified foods such as milk, studies have shown that there are…

  • How to Get an Affordable Massage

    How to Get an Affordable Massage

    Most massages have common traits – a therapist applies pressure to areas of the body to relax or manipulate. The overall goal is the well-being of the patient receiving the massage treatment. While there are various types of massages, they all come at a price. Finding the most affordable can be a challenge. The cost…

  • How to Recognize Stroke Signs– and Act Fast

    How to Recognize Stroke Signs– and Act Fast

    It was a memorable night at a friend’s wedding. Duncan Cooper was enjoying the evening in style. Thin and fit, the 59-year-old had always been the picture of perfect health. After enjoying a few signature drinks, he pushed his wife (who was recovering from knee surgery) across the room in a wheelchair. In that instant,…

  • 4 Conditions Causing You to Faint

    4 Conditions Causing You to Faint

    Fainting — it’s prevalent in films and TV. But most people have never experienced it personally. Those who have will tell you there’s nothing scarier than that fainting feeling. Not only does it make driving and other tasks hazardous, but it also fosters a feeling of being out of control. In truth, there are many…

  • 4 Ways to Stay Safe While Hiking

    4 Ways to Stay Safe While Hiking

    Hiking doesn’t seem particularly dangerous at first glance. After all, most of us walk every day to our jobs, school, during shopping and for exercise. Why should a walk in the woods be that much different? Ah, but a walk in the woods for someone who is not aware of the dangers can be fatal.…

  • Good Gums? The Health Impact of Unhealthy Gums

    Good Gums? The Health Impact of Unhealthy Gums

    Annie and company said it best: you’re never fully dressed without a smile. And It’s essential to keep your mouth and pearly whites looking their best for much more than making a good first impression. Not only is our oral health a reflection of our overall health, but poor oral health can actually impact our…

  • 5 Alternative Health Practitioners to Consider Seeing

    5 Alternative Health Practitioners to Consider Seeing

    Complementary treatments. Alternative medicine. Integrative care. More than 30 percent of American adults and 12 percent of American children have used health care options that fall outside the scope of traditional, Western medicine. But what do these terms mean? And which forms of treatment are most worth looking into? Complementary Care Vs. Alternative Care According…

  • Health Problems Your Hands May Reveal

    Health Problems Your Hands May Reveal

    If the eyes are the windows to the soul, perhaps the hands should be labeled the windows to the body. In many ways, our hands provide telling tales about our overall health and well-being: the condition of our nails can clue us into a number of nutritional deficiencies, from zinc (weak, cracking nails) to protein…

  • 4 Alarming Symptoms that Usually Aren’t a Big Deal

    4 Alarming Symptoms that Usually Aren’t a Big Deal

    When something happens to our bodies that’s out of the norm — whether it’s an unexpected shooting pain or a spot that appears on our body without warning — our first instinct may be to sound the alarm. In fact, many of the expected and unexpected symptoms that appear scary are quite harmless. Our increased…

  • Pee Problems? Here’s What They Could Mean

    Pee Problems? Here’s What They Could Mean

    Does it hurt to go? Are you frequent? Or is infrequency your issue? Our urinary tract can find itself in a wide range of trouble, sending you a slew of signals to let you know that something is amiss. Painful Urination Also called dysuria, painful urination is defined as pain, discomfort, or burning sensations while…