Category: Wellness
When Should You Worry About a Bloody Nose?
For many Americans, a bloody nose is a rite of passage. Whether acquired in a bicycle crash, schoolyard brawl or just from taking an imprudent risk, bloody noses have been around since humans have been spawning. But some nosebleeds (technical name – epistaxis) may be signs of something more serious than a momentary lapse of…
How Smoking Affects the Brain
Thank you for not smoking. That’s pretty much the axiom that all medical professionals live by, and the efforts to discourage smoking are part of every high school’s curriculum and government health initiative. Lighting up a tobacco product, once a sign of sophistication and sex appeal, has been submerged in public life to the relentless…
5 Ways to Save Money on Health Care
There are myriad complexities in health care, and plans don’t make it easy to understand their rules. But if you think you are just a passive player like a cork on a health-care ocean, think again. There are things you can do to lower your health care costs. Talk to Your Doctor If you are…
10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog
It’s no secret that we seek answers to life’s tough questions. Why wouldn’t we? Curiosity is part of what being human is all about. To answer these questions, we endlessly scour self-help books. We try to improve our lives through affirmations, yoga retreats, and even inspiration-based apps. But what about looking for relief from what’s…
In Pain? When Walking Is No Walk in the Park
For most of us, walking is the safest form of low-impact exercise we can add to our daily routines. It’s such an innocent, basic activity, that most of us don’t consider the potential risks associated with motions that are entrenched in our daily routines. It seems innocuous enough putting your best foot forward. However, nearly…
Test Your Rare Disease IQ
Have you ever heard of Clarkson’s disease? How about a gangliocytoma? We didn’t think so. Welcome to the world of rare diseases. In truth, rare diseases are health conditions most people have never heard of. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a disease is considered rare in the United States if it affects…
Flaking Out: 6 Common Causes of Dandruff
It’s THE dinner party of the year. And you’ve been looking forward to it for months. Ready to dress to the nines, you throw on the sassy black shirt you ordered for the memorable occasion. Of course, it looks fabulous. But then you notice something you didn’t bargain for. Flakes. All over your shoulders. Hello,…
How Loneliness Can Make You Sick
Do you smoke 15 cigarettes a day? Probably not. But if you’re lonely, you may suffer the same health consequences as someone who smokes three-quarters of a pack of cigarettes a day. That’s one heck of a concerning statistic. In truth, loneliness is something we all experience. And we’re often told to embrace this loneliness…
Safer Hair Dye Alternatives
When it comes to preventable causes of cancer, we think of the obvious: smoking, sun exposure, and poor food choices. But what about hair dye? It’s no secret that hair coloring is a popular thing. In fact, statistics show that up to seventy-five percent of women dye their hair. That’s a heck of a lot…
Ear Infections: Should Your Child Get Tubes?
It all started when your son was a baby. He would cry incessantly. At first, you thought it was just colic. But bottles, binkies and TLC didn’t work. Two days later, you took him to the doctor. It was then that you learned that your son had an ear infection. You thought this was a…